Lined writing paper pdf
Gmat Argument Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
David Hume - Naturalistic Metaethics, Politics, and Psychology :: Philosophy David Hume
David Hume - Naturalistic Metaethics, Politics, and Psychology Unique: According to the perspectives communicated in this paper, impacts inconsequential to the finishes of Immanuel Kant and G. E. Moore regarding what they saw as the suitable establishment for moral frameworks appears to have been grinding away in the responses of both to the previous reactions of David Hume. Expanding on an ongoing gathering with Hume in a bar on Princes Street in Edinburgh, I build up the recommendation that both Kant and Moore were faithful to customary ideas of an intuited, non-prudential reason for moral orders. Kant, by his request that any profound quality connected uniquely to speculative goals can't be genuinely good, and Moore by his refusal to see the vacancy of his placed great as essentially great which he felt must be kept liberated from any ruining reference to certifiable prudential constituents, along these lines bolster the establishment of moral frameworks in an inward, unanalyzable good motivation. Furthermore, they do as such in compliance to responsibilities that predate their ethical ways of thinking. I likewise guarantee that Hume has been misconstrued in that he didn't intend to contradict the naturalistic establishing of good frameworks in his renowned explanation detaching is-proclamations from should articulations; what he truly expected was to bring up the illogic of moralists who inappropriately claim to infer all out or intuited moral goals from genuine world is-proclamations while denying any prudentiality or a posteriority to the exchange. Since both keep up that this straightforward inward good drive must be free of prudential contemplations in settling on moral choices and decisions, Kant and Moore contradict naturalistic moral frameworks which, as J.S. Mill's, recommend this-common government assistance and bliss are in huge part concurrent with the genuine significance of ethical quality. Their position, in this way, places both of these advocates of intuitionist metaethics at chances with the rule of po litical social democrats that a good framework must place common fulfillments and bliss above submission to any putative higher moral law and its intuited objectives. I sat down to chat with David Hume one stormy night as of late in a bar in Edinburgh, overâ€naturallyâ€kippers with earthy colored bread and a 16 ounces of bold or two. He let me in on a mystery and gave me leave to murmur it thusly to a couple of companions. Which is the reason I wrote down this record of our gathering and am introducing it to you here. Recollect what that incredible examiner wrote to get under way the line of reasoning that finished in G.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Philippine Music free essay sample
Coagulant alludes to a racked gong ring Instrument played In the southern Islands of the Philippines, alongside its differed going with groups. Percussive bossed gong gatherings without a melodic gong rack, known as Gung, are played all through a large portion of the islands by indigenous gatherings, (for example, the Mangy, Llama, Batik, Tagging and Eat) just as verifiably by marsh gatherings, for example, the Bissau, Bucolic and Toga, yet the ascertaining troupes themselves are just played by bunches which were Islamabad and occupied with International exchange with Its neighborsIn Southeast Asia. The coagulant Instrument Itself could be followed to either the acquaintance of gongs with Southeast Asia from China from before the tenth century CE, or more probable, to the presentation of bossed gong rings from Java in the 1 fifth century. All things considered the ascertaining group is the most exceptional type of music from before the late sixteenth century and the heritage of Hesitation in the Philippine archipelago. We will compose a custom article test on Philippine Music or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Harlan and Sandman The Harlan or Sandman Is a melodious tune made mainstream In the Philippine Islands, which goes back to the Spanish time frame. Made In the Mexican-Spanish custom, he music is described by a minor key toward the start and moves to a significant key in the subsequent half. Its verses delineate a sentimental subject, typically depicting affection, enthusiasm, or pity. In different styles of the Harlan or Kinsman custom, the music depends on a romantic tale. Practically all conventional Philippine love tunes in this kind are depicted with idyllic emotion.In the asses Harlan or Sandman turned into a considerably more standard melodic style, with numerous mainstream entertainers Including Dimmed Natural, and Ruben Toga singing in Harlan or Kinsman style. In this period Anchor Bollard advanced the brother by forming beautiful and consonant tunes Carrions The Carrions (which means adoring or warm one), is a Philippine national move from the Maria Clara set-up of Philippine society moves, where the fan, and hanky assumes an Instrument job as It puts the couple In sentiment scenario.The move is like the Carafe Adaptation. The Carlson Is went with Hispanic music, and language. Tinkling The Tinkling is a Philippine move which includes two individual entertainers hitting bamboo posts, utilizing them to beat, tap, and slide on the ground, and against each there in co-appointment with at least one artists who ventures over, and in the middle of sha fts. Randall The Randall Is performed on groups containing mandolin Instruments of different sizes called binaural formed on the Iberian custom. Different Instruments including guitars, is additionally performed. Mother (symmetrical Philip;no MUSIC) Original Filipino Music, presently more regularly named Original Pinot Music or Original Philippine Music, (oftentimes curtailed to MOM) initially alluded uniquely to in the asses through the present by significant business Philippine popular music craftsmen like Plait Chorales,Nora Manor, VS. Co. Ryan Cabbys, Basil Valued, Researchers, Freddie Jugular, Ere Valorizes Mari Chain and APP Hiking Society.In the progression of time just as the advancement of numerous various and elective melodic styles in the Philippines, in any case, the term MOM currently alludes to an Original Philippine Music made in the Philippines or made by people out of Philippine extraction, paying little mind to area when created. The verses might be in any Philippine dialects or lingo. Be that as it may, certain exemptions do exist, wherein remote melodies by outside authors made explicitly to be performed b y Filipino artists re treated as Moms too. Multiculturalism backers, and federalists frequently associate this to the Toga social authority of the capital city of Manila. Regardless of the developing uproar for non-Toga, and non-English music, and more noteworthy portrayals of other Philippine dialects; the neighborhood Philippine music industry, which is situated in Manila, is as yet suspicious in making speculations. A portion of their significant reasons incorporate the language obstruction, the still-little market, and the section of regionalism in the Philippine Islands. Up until the asses, well known exciting music started composing and creating in English.In the early asses, awesome music started to be composed utilizing nearby dialects, with groups like the Juan Deal Cruz Band being among the primary mainstream groups to do as such. Blending Toga, and English verses were additionally prevalently utilized inside a similar tune, in tunes like Nag Miss Universe Eng Bubby OK, by the band Hotdogs which enhanced the Manila sound. The blending of the two dialects (known as Thuggish), while normal in easygoing discourse in the Philippines, was viewed as a striking move, yet the achievement of Thuggish in well known tunes, including Sharon Sunsets previously hit, Mr. broke the obstruction forevermore.Philippine rock performers included society music, and different impacts, assisting with prompting the 1978 advancement achievement of Freddie Jugular. Mariners Knack (Child), his presentation recording, is the most industrially fruitful Filipino chronicle, and was well known all through Asia, and Europe, and has been converted into various language by vocalists around the world. Asian likewise broke into the music scene at a similar period, and were well known. People rock turned into the Philippine dissent music of the asses, and Sailors Banyan KOKI (My Country) got mainstream as a song of praise during the 1986 DEEDS Revolution.At a similar time, a counterculture dismissed the ascent of politically engaged verses. In Manila, an underground rock scene created, drove by groups like Betrayed, The Jerks, and Urban Bandits. The impact of New Wave was additionally felt during these years, led by The Dawn. Asses saw the rise of a whiz pop-rock gathering, the Researchers, considered by numerous Philippine nationals as the main gathering in the Philippine chronicle scene.In the wake of their prosperity was the rise of a string of persuasive Filipino musical gangs, for example, Yang, Social, Parody in Edgar, and Riverview, every one of which blends the impact of an assortment of rock bogeymen into their style. Today, the Philippine Islands shows western style music, creating striking groups, for example, Pupil, Hale, Sponge Cola, Cyclically, Choices, Bamboo, Silent Sanctuary, Rocketed, Cowan, Kamikaze, Cheese, Dichotomys, Imago, The Ambassadors, Monster 88, Fascistic,and Urban, and the rise of its first virtual band, Missoula.Filipino hip-bounce is hip jump music performed by artists of Americans. This article concentrates first on Filipino hip-bounce in the Philippines, and also on that in the USA. The Phil ippines is known to have had the principal hip-jump USIA scene in Asia[l] since the early asses, to a great extent due to the countrys chronicled associations with the United States where hip-bounce was begun. Rap music discharged in the Philippines has showed up in various dialects or tongues, for example, Toga, Cabochon, Cuban, Oilcans and English. In the Philippines, Francis M and Andrew E. Re refered to as the most compelling rappers in the nation, being the first to discharge standard rap collections. In the USA, Pal. De. AP of the Black Eyed Peas, Cassia Ventura and Chad Hugo of The Neptune and N. E. R. D are refered to as the best Filipino-Americans in the music business. Music of Bahrain The music of Bahrain is a piece of the dish Gulf chalklike people conventions. It is additionally known (nearby Kuwait) for smack music, a soul-filled class impacted by African, Indian and Persian music. King Humid, All Barr and Khalids al Sheik (a vocalist and odd player) are among the most well known artists from Bahrain.Bahrain hip jump is likewise a significant piece of the music of Bahrain, which has delivered entertainers like DC Outlaw. Minds #1 hippo diversion and presumably in diphtheria Gulf is Grind which comprises of the Persian Gulfs #1 rapper and hip jumps envoy: Hooting, the 1 Arab rapper on the planet: Dobb and the youthful extraordinary rapper: Anymore. The band Bahrain Souris has accomplished some worldwide fame since the asses with its style of dynamic stone, most as of late including components of Bahrain society music.There is likewise a solid substantial metal and Hard stone network in the nation, with numerous gatherings composing and performing unique and spread melodies. Significant groups throughout the entire existence of the network incorporate Hard stone outfit Dive, whip metal band Motor Militia, Experimental metal groups The Mushroom Massacre and Thee Project. Also, there are various gatherings whose pages can be found on Namespace-?remarkably, dark metal band Smoldering In Forgotten and Shadow Arson(www. Namespace. Mother/shadowing), parody metal band Screw me sideways, melodic metalwork band Eternal Calamity, melodic demise metal band An Undergoing Tragedy, elective enthusiastic metal band [[Severe] and Doom Death Melodic metal band Doomed. There are likewise a bunch of different groups in the nation, for example, Ba ckdoor, Illusions, and Broken Skulls. Besides there are additionally a few Indies musical gangs these incorporate The Frets www. Namespace. Com/burglaries likewise there are solo craftsmen, for example, De Preying who plays elective (www. Namespace. Com/depending) and numerous ore.There is a site exhibiting every up and coming performer in Bahrain, called (http://www. Brilliantine. Com), which is centered around giving for the most part underground specialists introduction. Present day music organizations in Bahrain incorporate the Bahrain Music Institute, the Bahrain Orchestra and the Classical Institute of Music. The Bahrain male-just pearl jumping convention is known for the tunes called defender. Lila and Fan at-Tanbark are kinds of music and move performed primarily in networks which contain relatives of East Africans. Rear is a well known new vocalist from Bahrain who just discharged her new collection called El Group on the Rotarian mark.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Is LinkedIn Job Seeker Premium Worth the Price One Womans Story...
Is LinkedIn Job Seeker Premium Worth the Price One Womans Story... Many people approach me to ask whether it’s worth the price to subscribe to LinkedIn Job Seeker Premium. One of my subscribers, Susan Poseika, signed up for the one-month free trial and was kind enough to share her evaluation of the service. Her experience is anecdotal only one person’s experience and does not necessarily predict what anyone else will experience. Still, I thought it would be valuable to share. As background, I invite you to read an article I wrote about LinkedIn’s Job Seeker Premium. You might also want to view LinkedIns VIDEO about the service, available HERE. LinkedIn claims the following advantages of Linkedin Job Seeker Premium on the subscription page: Get noticed by recruiters and hiring managers with a JobSeekers Badge Zero in on $100K+ jobs with detailed salary information Move to the top of the list as a featured applicant Contact anyone directly through InMail response guaranteed See who has viewed your profile with details Get introduced to the companies you are targeting Let recruiters message you for free through OpenLink Get Priority Customer Service Below is what Susan reported as her experience with Job Seeker Premium: Get noticed by hiring managers and recruiters with LinkedIn badge: I did not notice a difference with this feature. Recruiters had contacted me when I did not have the badge; however, during the month I had the badge, there was nothing. After I took the badge off (after the free month) I still did not see any change. Move to top of the list as Featured Applicant: I did not notice a difference from this feature. InMail: With InMail, Linkedin members can contact anyone without knowing their contact information or going through introductions from other LinkedIn members. However, if you get a deep enough network, there would be a way to connect with the same people, if not through direct invitations, then through introductions. Note from Brenda: Two other ways to connect with people you don’t know are 1) by joining a group where you are both members 2) by looking for the person’s email address, either in the person’s profile (many members include their email address) or by searching the web. If you know a person’s company then often you can figure out their email address. For instance, if you are looking for Peter Cantor who works at samplecompany, go to and find an email address. If you find, then you have a good chance that Peter’s email address is Who has viewed your profile: With the Free version, you can see who has viewed your profile over the last week only. With Premium, however, you can see who has viewed your profile over the last week, last month, or more. In both cases, you can view a trend chart of profile viewing. The trend chart is an excellent feature that allows you to see whether profile viewing is going up or down. For those job seekers who check once a week, the Premium account won’t really give you anything you don’t already have. Note from Brenda: With the paid service, you can see the full list of the people who viewed you. With a free account you can only see the most recent five viewers. Whether you have a paid or free account, you can see the names of your viewers IF they set their privacy settings to allow you to see them. Otherwise you will get only a description of their industry. Get introduced to target companies: With the Free version, you can get introduced, through one of your contacts, to up to a maximum of five targeted companies. With the Premium version, you have the potential of twenty-five. OpenLink Networker: I did not notice a difference with this option. Back to Brenda: Where I’m left with all this is that if you can afford it and you are targeted in your job search, you may as well use the enhanced service. One thing Susan didn’t mention is that the service provides tools to help keep your job search organized. She tells me she did not have a chance to test-drive that aspect of the service, and believes it would be quite useful over time. “If you can,†recommends Susan, “take advantage of any free one-month offer, have a targeted strategy, and use the service to its maximum potential. By doing so, you should see this feature leading to off-line/personal contact, which is the goal of using of Job Seeker Premium.†I couldn’t agree more. And if you have a story to share about LinkedIn Job Seeker Premium, you might be featured in a future blog! Need Linkedin profile writing or strategy assistance? Contact The Essay Expert for a 15-minute consultation.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Value Premium in the United States Vis a Vis Other Countries Free Essay Example, 2000 words
Patro carried out a study of stock market liberalization in emerging markets and the impact upon the emerging market country fund premiums, share prices and the values of net assets. Based upon his analysis of the results when new country funds are listed in the international markets, he concluded that there was an 8.8% decrease in the value premiums of the old funds during the first four months after which the new funds were announced. Moreover, he found that while liberalization and the opening up of the markets have a positive impact on the net asset values, it does not have an effect on the value premiums. As the author points out in his study, this may be because while an economy is not yet opened up to international investors due to political restrictions, there is a greater element of risk involved in investment, therefore the securities are priced lower than they would be in a situation where risk-sharing takes place with world capital, consequently value premiums may be hig her and decline once these markets are opened up. Garza Gomez (2001) has undertaken a study of the correlation between the risk and market value of equity. We will write a custom essay sample on Value Premium in the United States Vis a Vis Other Countries or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now He points out that the spread in returns between value stocks and growth stocks is very significant in the United States, both from a statistical and economic point of view and this trend is also noticed in other non-U. S. countries. He has also highlighted the views of experts that have suggested two major reasons for the value premium. The first of these is the risk proxy idea which has been supported by Fama and French through a three-factor model, which suggests that value stocks are riskier and therefore higher returns will be required. On this basis, the market value of equity (MVE) and the ratio of book value to a market value of equity is the proxies for two risk factors. The other school of thought is that mooted by Lakonishok, Shleifer and Vishny whereby the pattern of investing as practiced by institutional investors tends to focus on the short term potential of the stocks through recent activity in the market rather than making a predict ion about potential long term price of the stocks.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Feminism Mary Wollstonecraft - 1734 Words
In today’s world of 2017, feminism is more relevant and controversial than ever, with a new, controversial president and more and more women in positions of power. However, feminism has changed and evolved since the first writers expressed their wish for more women’s rights, as do all movements. â€Å"It is time to †¦ restore to them their lost dignityâ€â€and make them, as a part of the human species, labour by reforming themselves to reform the world,†wrote Mary Wollstonecraft in her Vindication in the Rights of Women (Wollstonecraft 49). Mary Wollstonecraft, the mother of the feminist movement wanted women to be able to be a good wife or mother through education, but today’s feminists are educated already- they want more rights for women, such†¦show more content†¦She was different in that she was not part of the nobility, she was not well educated, she was not wealthy, and she did not fit into the stereotype of a â€Å"lady†(F erguson and Todd 128). She was much more radical than her predecessors, as she thought that fundamental reform of the education system was the only way to acquire equal rights and an equal education for women. Wollstonecraft’s early life was, by modern standards, quite miserable. She was born as the second child on April 27, 1759 into a relatively poor family, and her father was an abusive alcoholic who often beat her mother. Her mother favored her older brother Edward over her- Wollstonecraft was never praised for anything that she did, even though she often protected her mother from her father’s attacks. These blatant injustices helped her to learn from an early age to be independent and to not depend on anyone, and this want for independence would follow her into adulthood (Ferguson and Todd 1). After seeing her mother’s unhappy state, she began to hate that marriage was unequal and unbalanced in power, which led her to avoid marriage until she was 38. Most of the male figures in her early life were unreliable and unjust, and she realized that she would have to rely on herself. Wollstonecraft’s father gave up weaving to become a farmer at a young age, and the family often moved around from place toShow MoreRelatedMary Wollstonecraft Impact On Feminism1537 Words  | 7 PagesMary Wollstonecraft was one of the earliest pioneers of feminism. Plagued by a series of misfortunate events, she carried her lessons with her to her grave. Through Mary’s education, career, and life experiences, she proclaimed her radical ideas about education and marriage without shame and was heralded by some as the first feminist. Mary Wollstonecraft was born to her parents, Edward and Elizabeth Wollstonecraft, in London on April 27, 1759. Though Edward could have chosen to stay with his father’sRead MoreFeminism, By Susan B Anthony, Mary Wollstonecraft And Betty Friedan1742 Words  | 7 PagesFeminism is a thriving force in today s society; molding American culture since the 19th and early twentieth century s by navigating politics with powerful voices from incredibly influential women such as Susan B Anthony, Mary Wollstonecraft and Betty Friedan. Feminism has created a rich history for itself and has been plagued with controversy since its conception but how much of that controversy is unwarranted; how many fallacies lie beneath the true rise of the organization and could it be thatRead MoreEssay Mary Wollstonepost as Mist Valuable Thinker526 Words  | 3 Pages Mary Wollstonecraft as Most Valuable Thinker Mary Wollstonecraft was known as the â€Å"first feminist†and was a leader to many women during a time where woman’s rights were not important to many people. She lead woman through treacherous times filled with sexism and misogyny. During the enlightenment period, people came up with new ideas no one had thought of before and Mary was one of these people. Wollstonecraft thought women were just as important as men were and thought that women and men shouldRead MoreThe Feminist Philosphoy and May Wollstonecraft743 Words  | 3 Pagesfrom conventional Mary Wollstonecraft called for more equality between the sexes; she ignited the flame that would turn into the feminist movement we know today. Wollstonecraft was a key founder of feminist philosophy. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792) stated her view that women should have a wider access to education, not taught to depend on their beauty. â€Å"A committed women’s liberationist cannot retire from the j ob, only die at it.†(Dann, 1985) Mary Wollstonecraft encompassed this perfectlyRead MoreMary Wollstonecraft s Vindication Of The Rights Of Women928 Words  | 4 PagesMary Wollstonecraft’s famous book, Vindication of the Rights of Women, is â€Å"one of the earliest expressions of a feminist consciousness.†Wollstonecraft claims that women are upset mainly due to the fact that they are not receiving the education they deserve, and goes on to explain how women are notorious for being weak, and mentally unstable. She blames the education system for this since all the books are written by men, and they claim that women are barley humans and are treated as another speciesRead MorePrevalence Of Feminism During The Victorian Era And Mary Wollstonecraft s A Room Of One s Own And Wollstonecraft1610 Words  | 7 PagesPrevalence of Feminism in British Literature Feminism has been a prevalent force for women throughout the history of Europe. Whether it was breaking the mold that society had placed on them or trying to establish themselves as being independent of men, women who embraced feminist views tried every way possible to make themselves equivalent to their male counterparts. This was especially true with female writers. In fact, there are parallels between some female writers even though their literatureRead More Mary Wollstonecraft and Her Dedication to Equality for Women626 Words  | 2 Pages â€Å"Mary Wollstonecraft and her effects on Feminism†Mary Wollstonecraft often associated with the start of Feminism. She was born in 1759 to â€Å"semiliterate working class parents†(Snodgrass 1). She grew up in a household that was flooded with abuse, alcoholism, and parental favoritism toward her brother- which caused self doubt (Snodgrass 1). In preparation of her future she grew up reading philosophy, history, and teaching herself French and German (Snodgrass 1). She worked as a widow’s companionRead MoreA Vindication Of The Rights Of Woman Essay1094 Words  | 5 Pagesthe name of Mary Wollstonecraft. In her book, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft preaches her belief that the oppression of women is largely due to lack of female education. Although the term feminism wasn’t coined until decades later, Wollstonecraft paved the way for future women’s rights movements by advocating equality in education for women. She believed men and women should be equal in the very basic aspects o f life, such as in loyalty in marriage. Wollstonecraft openly calledRead MoreRadicalism in Mary Wollstonecraft’s Writing600 Words  | 3 PagesRadicalism in Mary Wollstonecraft’s Writing (Which author is more radical for her day?) In the years of the late 1700’s and early 1800’s women’s rights were unheard of. Women didn’t get a higher education like the men did. They would mostly learn about etiquette and how to cook and clean. The father of the daughter would choose who she would marry, it would always be based on money, and family tithes. Women were treated as property and she was owned by her father and mother tells she was weddedRead MoreMary Shelleys Frankenstein Feminism1429 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Youshock Prof. Matthew Gerber HIST 1012 10/19/18 Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Feminism before it was mainstream? Writing a paper on the topic of Frankenstein days before Halloween might give you the wrong idea- lets clear something up straight away Frankenstein is the doctor not the monster and the monster doesn’t have a name (which we later learn is mildly important to the story). You see, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is arguably a story of creation, murder, love, and learning amongst many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Report on Marketing Strategy of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited Free Essays
string(174) " committed to ensuring the best in quality standards and living the Group’s five core values – Integrity, Excellence, Customer Delight , Innovation and Inspiring People\." Report on Marketing Strategy of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited Rahimafrooz Bangladesh limited was established in 1950. As a trading company. Late A. We will write a custom essay sample on Report on Marketing Strategy of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited or any similar topic only for you Order Now C. Abdur Rahim was the proprietor in this time. From 1954  it was established as a limited company. In the new environment he had to start afresh. He had little capital. His main assets were self-confidence and a strong faith in the Almighty, which carried him through all the difficulties with a remarkable triumph. He finally established a small proprietary trading company named Rahimafrooz Co, in Chittagong in 1950 which was later incorporated on 15th April 1954, which is now Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. Rahimafrooz   expanded rapidly into various trading items. The major milestones in  Rahimafrooz history can be summarized as below: Incorporated in 1954 by Mr. A. C. Abdur  Rahim Distributorship of Lucas Battery in 1959 Exclusive distributorship of Dunlop tyre in 1978 Acquisition of Bangladesh operations of Lucas UK in 1980 First producer of industrial battery in 1985 Pioneering Solar Power in collaboration with BP in 1985 First ever battery export – to Singapore – in 1992 Launched Rahimafrooz Instant Power System in 1993 Acquisition of Yuasa Batteries (Bangladesh) Ltd. – in 1994 Attained ISO 9002 certification for RBL operations in 1997 First India office opened in Ahmedabad – in 2000 Awarded â€Å"Bangladesh Enterprise of the Year†in 2001 Attained ISO 14001:1996 for RBL operations Launched â€Å"Agora†– the first ever retail chain in 2001 Launched Rahimafrooz Energy Service in 2002 – promoting distributed power. Established  Rahimafrooz CNG ltd. n 2003 Awarded â€Å"National Export Trophy†in 2003 Metronet Bangladesh, a fibre optic based digital solution provider for data communication,launched in joint venture with Flora Telecom – in 2004 Received McGraw-Hill Platt Global Energy Award for Renewable Energy in 2004 Received t he â€Å"   Ashden Award†for Sustainable Energy in 2006 EPZ factory and RAL two new company developed – in 2008 1. 1 ORIGIN OF THE REPORT: This project   Report has been prepared as the fulfillment of the partial requirement of B. B. A Program. 1. 2 OBJECTIVE OF THE REPORT Our business courses are designed to help the students learning the technique and acquiring with skills needed effectively in management including planning, organizing, staffing, directing, motivating and controlling, problems in achieving organizational goals in differing managerial environments as a part in different management system. So the prime aim of the regarding report is to diagnosis a company regarding their operations thus make a nice combination of my four years educational learning. The main objective of the report is marketing strategy of   Rahimafrooz ltd. 1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT: I take information for my report by two purposes. 1. 4 PRIMARY PURPOSE: The Primary purpose of this report is to partially fulfill the requirement of my Bachelor Degree. 1. 5 SECONDARY PURPOSE: Secondary sources include the internal documents like annual report company bulletin other research reports and brochures. 1. 6SOURCE AND METHOD OF COLLECTING DATA:The report is organized by s econdary source of data. Various report’s brochure, catalog, articles and journals, projects profile, dealer credit policy, and Rahimafrooz website is used in this regard. 1. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: Firstly, judging a company’s activity relative to competitor is not an easy task. This study has tried to figure out the key factors that has an effect towards the profitability of the company. Secondly, analyzing the secondary data and comparing it with the primary data was a major problem in making the report. Thirdly, lack of adequate knowledge has a effect in   writing the report properly. Chapter Two Company history Founder Late A. C. Abdur   Rahim (1915-1982). Rahimafrooz   Bangladesh Limited A man of strict religious values, yet a believer in progressive dynamism, and dreamer who thought nothing is impossible – Late A C Abdur Rahim overcame numerous challenges and obstacles to become one of the most accomplished entrepreneurs of this country . Born on the 20th of January 1915, he lost both his parents by the time he was seven years of age. Deprived of formal schooling and a typically comfortable childhood, he grew up as a man with strong determination, hardworking diligence, and humane compassion. By the early 1940s, Mr. Rahim started small scale commercial trading on his own. He moved to Chittagong in 1947 and stared afresh with very little capital in hand, but with a whole world of courage and faith. In 1950, he established the small trading concern dealing in various items. This proprietary business was formally incorporated on April 15, 1954 as Rahimafrooz Co. Till date, Rahimafrooz Group commemorates this as its â€Å"Foundation Day†. The childhood hardship and the struggle in his young years only made Mr. Rahim a strong individual, a faithful human being, and a leader full of compassion and humanity. He was a caring father and an affectionate person throughout his life. Whoever, in his lifetime, came in touch with Mr. Rahim, fondly remembers him as a man of tremendous humility, dignity, and trustworthiness. His  passion for continuously improving himself and his religious and ethical righteousness, and his dedication to please his customers – are still prevalent in today’s Rahimafrooz culture – shaping the Group’s present and its future. Today’s Rahimafrooz is a dream that Mr. A C Abdur Rahim turned into reality. The business growth, the social commitment, and the great diversity in today’s Rahimafrooz are the outcome of one lifetime of hard work and compassion from Mr. Rahim. He breathed his last on March 14, 1982 in London. But his work and his virtue have kept him alive forever. May Allah grant him with eternal peace. Over the decades, Rahimafrooz has grown in size, scale, and diversity. The Group today has Eight Operating Companies (SBUs), a few other business ventures, and a not for profit social enterprise. As of 2011, the Group currently employs more than three thousand people directly and a further twenty thousand indirectly as suppliers contractors, dealers and retailers. Rahimafrooz operates in four broad segments – Storage Power, Automotive Electronics, Energy and Retail. We have strengthened our market leadership at home while reaching out to international markets. Ranging from automotive  after   market products, energy and power solutions, to a world class retail chain – the team at Rahimafrooz is committed to ensuring the best in quality standards and living the Group’s five core values – Integrity, Excellence, Customer Delight , Innovation and Inspiring People. You read "Report on Marketing Strategy of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited" in category "Papers" Rahimafrooz has been a partner in the development journey of this nation for more than fifty-five years now. We set ourselves the highest standards in responsible corporate behavior and our passion for success is aligned with the development of the country. We are committed to playing a leading role in driving growth, prosperity, ethical values and social responsibility. We continue to serve our customers through unparalleled quality excellence and service superiority. Our business success has been complemented by our commitment to the environment, society and community. At Rahimafrooz, We are – ‘enriching lives with your trust’! 2. 1 Aspiration: To be most admire and trusted organization through excelling in everything we do, following ethical business practice and adding value to stake holder. 2. 2 Vision: Be an enterprising group of Taka 2,000 crore by the year 2010 with the diversified business portfolio focus on dynamic growth, excellence, innovation, customer delight in enriching our world. 2. 3 Vision 2015: A billion dollar diversified group committed to adding value to all stakeholders and community Value: Integrity in all our dealing Excellence in everything we do Total commitment to customer satisfaction Thinking ahead and taking new initiative 2. 4 Quality policy: We, as a team, totally committed to customer delight through intelligent effort and continuous improvement. 2. Community service: Rahimafrooz regularly contribute personal, monetary and medical help to people disadvantaged by natural calamities and serious illness. Rahimafrooz also makes significant contribution to leading diabetic and cancer hospitals. 2. 6 Achievements of RBL: Asia’s Best Brand  CMO Award 2010 Asia’s Best Employer     SC FE, CSR  Award 2008 Bran d Leadership  Award 2008 Ashden  Award Award 2006 National export trophy Award 2001- Chapter three Strategic business unit (SBU) RBL 3. SBUs (Strategic Business Units): Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. (Group Parent Company) Rahimafrooz (Batteries) Ltd. Rahimafrooz Distribution Ltd. Rahimafrooz Energy Services Ltd. Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Ltd. Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. Rahimafrooz Superstores Ltd. Excel Resources Ltd. Rahimafrooz Globatt Ltd. Rahimafrooz service center 3. 1 Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Ltd. (Group Parent Company: Rahimafrooz (Bangladesh) Limited (RABL) is the Group Holding and Parent Company including the Group Corporate Center that guides the Strategic Business Units (SBUs). It ensures continuous management innovation, technology adoption, new initiatives, corporate governance and compliance. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd has imported world famous Dunlop Tire and Tube which is producing in Japan and India. At present Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. Is one of the top most organizations in the country many officer and personnel work hard. From the development of the organization Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. is mainly work in four divisions 1. Corporate Division 2. Manufacturing Division 3. Marketing and sales division 4. International division The chairman is the chief executive officer of the organization and the director is the head of every division. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. has one head office in Motiheel. Two service offices in Dhaka and Chittagong and one factory in Nakhal Para and other is Savar. Regional office is operated by regional manager who has controlled all the sales force and also has responsible for his job to the managing director of head office. Every appointed dealer in the sales center of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. they always get up great training from the company to serve the customer all over the country there are near about 180 dealers of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh ltd. Often the company organize conference for the dealer and they create the opportunity to exchange their value. . 2 Rahimafrooz Battery Ltd: Rahimafrooz battery ltd has mainly marketed Rahimafrooz battery. At present Rahimafrooz company has been producing and marketing more than one hundred categories battery. Automotive battery and motor cycle battery are produced by Rahimafrooz Company. This is very popular in the market and also high quality. The Company’s manufacturing plants produce a range of products – automotive, motorcycle, and appliance batteries, Industrial (stationary, deep cycle, traction, VRLA batteries, IPS and UPS batteries, and rectifiers. Lucas and Spark are the leading names in the local automotive battery market while Volta, Optus and Delta are gaining equity as International brands. RBL has a successful story of installing solar power in the remote rural areas of Bangladesh. It has successfully installed more than 10,000 home solar systems in the remote rural areas of Bangladesh. In Bangladesh Rahimafrooz Factory is situated in Nakhal Para. Tejgoan. It is the heist battery production capacity factory. The authority tries their level best but to keep its quality through skill and efficient engineer Plant Capacity: Rahimafrooz has state of the art manufacturing plants. We are equipped with all latest technologies with complete air treatment and lead-recycling management. RBL produces different types of batteries to meet the local and international market. Its capacity in Automotive Battery is 660,000 (N50) units per annum and Industrial Battery is 41 million AH/annum. By the end of 2010, these will increase to 8000,000 (N50) and 120 Million AH respectively. All the products are manufactured following strict quality and environmental standards, and are ensured by international certifications too. Our main product range includes: Automotive battery Motorcycle battery Appliance battery Deep cycle – Flat plate battery Industrial tubular battery VRLA battery IPS and UPS batteries 3. 3 RAHIMAFROOZ DISTRIBUTION LTD: The company has a huge relation with the market to distribute its products through the network of dealers. It has almost near about 200 dealers, 280 Retailers and 95 Lubricant Dealers across the country for distributing Dunlop  tyre, Lucas batteries, Volta batteries, RZ  tire, BP lubricants and Rahimafrooz instant power system. RDL’s portfolio includes international tyre brands Dunlop and Kenda while it also carries its own brand RZ Tyre and battery brands Lucas and Spark. RDL is the exclusive franchisee of the world’s leading lubricant brand Castrol. Through Rahimafrooz IPS, UPS and Voltage Stabiliser, the company enjoys clear leadership of the emergency power products market. In addition, it also runs eight automobile service centres in Dhaka and Chittagong. Recently the company has entered the electronic goods market. It distributes and markets various household appliances and electronic goods through RDL’s newly inaugurated electronics retail chain, Ureka and its numerous sales outlets. RDL product portfolio includes the followings: Tyre RDL  markets different tyres for car, bus, truck and auto-rickshaw. It is the sole distributor of DUNLOP in Bangladesh. RZ Tyre is its own premium heavy duty truck/bus tyre fit for Bangladeshi road. It also markets other economy tyres. Automotive RDL markets three major brands of automotive batteries: LUCAS, VOLTA, VOLTA MF (Maintenance Free) and SPARK. All batteries are produced by RBL. Power Back-Up System RahimAfrooz   IPS and Rahimafrooz UPS are two popular power back-up systems marketed by RDL. Lubricant RDL is the marketer and sole agent of Castrol, one of the lubricant giants Rahimafrooz solar is started with a pilot project with the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission. Rahimafrooz Solar supplies solar-electricity to the remote villages of Bangladesh. More than 30,000 thousand families are supplied with solar power with help of NGOs and International Organizations. Excel retires limited RBL is the leading tyre retread company in Bangladesh. ERL has been serving the industry since 1994 providing best quality of retreads. Its plant is capable of retreading tyres of car, bus, and truck. EXCEL RESOURCES LTD Excel Resources Ltd. (ERL) is a leading name for tyre retread. ERL also manufactures and markets emery cloths and abrasive papers. ABOUT RETREAD Retread of tyre is a process whereby new tread rubber is applied on a used tyre casing; if done properly, this process allows similar mileage like new tyres. The process extends longer casing life. Based on the casing, a tyre can be retread up to 3 or 4 times, as long as the casing supports. The retread process is eco-friendly and does not result in environmental pollution. A retread tyre can save up to 50% of new tyre’s cost. Every time you buy and use a retread tyre, you help to conserve Their valuable natural resources and since retread tyres are less expensive than comparable new tyres, one can save money while helping the environment. This is truly a win-win situation 3. 4  Rahimafrooz  Energy Services Ltd. BRAND Rahimafrooz  Energy Services Limited was established in the year 2000 as a standby, captive anddistributed power solution provider. It is a leading name in the diesel generator industry having a customer base of nearly 700. Its clientele comprise of industrial plants, real estates, hospitals, educational institutions, telecoms, supermarkets, corporate houses and government establishments including the Armed Forces. The company is marketing both diesel and gas generators from Pramac Power Engineering, Italy and Spain, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Limited, Japan. Rahimafrooz Energy is also providing Rental Power with both diesel and gas generators. Rahimafrooz Energy is the Authorized Distributor of GE Consumer Industrial Lighting, USA and Exclusive Distributor of Wiring Accessories and Low Voltage Protection Devices from Hager, France in Bangladesh. Located at the heart of Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka Rahimafrooz Energy is equipped with the necessary service facilities and ready availability of stocks for all kinds of organizations and individuals requiring energy related solutions RESL is the Exclusive Distributor of PRAMAC in Bangladesh. It markets diesel generators up to 2500 KVA for multiple users. Its customers comprised of industrial plants, real estates, hospitals, educational institutions, telecom companies, supermarkets, corporate houses and government establishments. Established with the aim of being a provider of standby, captive and distributed power solutions offering 24X7 customer services, the company is now ready to launch three new products which are gas generators, power rentals and electrical accessories. In a short span of five years, Rahimafrooz Energy Services Limited has grown to be a highly reliable energy solution company. PRAMAC generators come up to 2,500 KVA for multipurpose use. Its customers comprised of industrial plants, real estates, hospitals, educational institutions, telecom companies, supermarkets, corporate houses and government establishments. . 5 RAHIMAFROOZ   RENEWABLE ENERGY LTD Transforming the lives of people and lighting up different corners of the country, Rahimafrooz Renewable Energy Ltd. (RRE) has been providing Rahimafrooz Solar solutions for households, agriculture, healthcare, education, rural streets and marketplaces. To date, RRE has lightened up more than 40,000 rural homes in Bangladesh and the C ompany is endeavoring to do much more in the future. The abundance, inexhaustibility and non polluting nature of solar energy, have made it right alternative for conventional energy sources, which are getting fast exhausted. So far only a small portion of solar energy is being harnessed for use in solar water heating, solar lighting, telecommunications, medical refrigeration and solar water pumping. Working closely with Bangladesh Government’s agencies, NGOs, donor and partner organizations, and international agencies, RRE offers a full rage of solar solutions including home lighting, street lighting, heating systems, water pumps, Photo Voltaic (PV) centralized systems, drip irrigation systems, vaccine refrigeration, support for computer and other electronic systems, and a number of other solutions. More than 60,000 homes already been illuminated with RRE’s solar efforts and the number is always growing. Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd. At first has marketed solar energy by exporting it from England. The following places and the institutions are the user of solar. 1. Hospital and Clinic 2. Irrigation project 3. School, Masjid, Road, Television 4. Telecommunication sector. 5. Railway signal 6. To find out the river way. The Organization where the solar Energy is set up 1. NGO 2. Tea Garden 3. Army cantonment Chittagong 4. Private Organization 3. 6 RAHIMAFROOZ CNG LTD. Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. RACNG) offers comprehensive solutions for CNG refueling, conversion, conversion centers, and maintenance. The Company runs state-of-the-art CNG conversion centers offering 1st to 5th generation conversion, and is setting up a wide country-wide network of refueling stations. It also assists, through equipments, technological know-how, training and marketing, in setting up CNG conversion centers and refueling stations INSTALLATION OF CNG STATION: It helps to setup CNG Fuel Station on a turn-key basis. It also assists in obtaining financial support from the Financial Institution to setting up CNG station. It provides round the clock technical supports and training  CNG CONVERSION: It has its own conversion centers where you can convert your Octane or Petrol driven automobile into CNG. Rahimafrooz CNG offers an innovative and technically advanced system for conversion of all types of vehicles into CNG It is the sole technical and commercial representative of Lo. gas s. r. l. of Italy. All CNG components are given full warranty with necessary technical support. CNG SERVICES: It also provides all types of technical support related to CNG stations, systems and kits to individuals and institutions. 3. 7 Rahimafrooz Superstores Ltd Rahimafrooz Superstores Ltd. (RSL) made a breakthrough in the urban lifestyles by launching the first retail chain in the country – Agora. With outlets in important locations in Dhaka, and many more coming at key locations in Dhaka and other major cities, Agora is endeavoring to fulfill the everyday needs of the urbanites through fair price, right assortment, and best quality. While Agora mainly focuses on food items – ranging from a wide variety of fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, bakery, dairy, and grocery – it also carries a vast array of other household, grocery, personal care, and various other products. Having started its journey in 2001, Agora is committed to sustaining and growing as the most trusted, loved, and frequented retail chain. Agora outlets: Dhanmodi Gulshan Mogbajar Mirpur 3. 8 Rahimafrooz Globatt Ltd (RGL) Rahimafrooz Globatt Ltd (RGL) is the global wing of Rahimafrooz group. As part of excelling two decades of international market experience and aspiring to become a truly global company, this state of the art Maintenance Free (MF) and Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) battery manufacturing plant was established in the year 2009. With 2. million unit production capacity per year, RGL is the largest battery export plant in South Asia. In recognition to its quality management system, RGL has received ISO 9001:2008 Certification from Orion Registrar, Inc. , USA. The manufacturing process of RGL ensures highest level of environment sustainability. RGL offers a broad range of maintenance free automotive batteries manufactured according to JIS and DIN standard for a variety of vehicles, ranging from small cars to large commercial vehicles. RGL also manufactures deep cycle battery for inverter application. All these batteries have been designed by one of the leading German company. These batteries are designed for millions of vehicle enthusiasts across Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa, Europe and Americas. As the pay off line of its flagship brand GLOBATT â€Å"Drive Within†illustrates, the battery is winning heart and mind of the consumers around the globe through its unparallel performance. Metro net Rahimafrooz Group, in a joint enterprise, has ventured into the first ever fiber optical commercial networking backbone in Bangladesh Metronet Bangladesh Ltd. (MBL). MBL provides robust data communication services to private sector offices, financial institutions, ATMs, and many other institutions. GreyFab and Asia Tex are two other businesses that manufacture and export textile and terry towels. Rural Service Foundation (RSF) is a not-for-profit social enterprise endeavoring to alleviate poverty and supporting the rural poor. The poverty alleviation model of RSF is based on three basic principles – affordable, replicable, and sustainable. RSF has been helping the rural poor, through programs involving solar home systems, irrigation, bio gas, contract farming, battery powered instant power systems etc. Besides, RSF also runs â€Å"Dhaka Project†which is a home to some 600 urban street children, providing them with shelter, education, food, clothing, and care. Supported by Rahimafrooz. 3. 9 RAHIMAFROOZ SERVICE CENTER : Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Ltd service center is situated in 13 Mahakhali commercial areas in Dhaka. Here the product of Rahimafrooz is sold and servicing also. Here the service is done in modern computerized system. The   complain is also solved and handle from here. and a number of generous donors from home and abroad, RSF has a country-wide network with nearly fifty field offices. . 10 Sales process: Diesel generator: Project 1. Pre-sales meeting: (sale people) Discussion with customer regarding the actual need, the size of the generator, KVA, installation process etc. a)     Inform customer regarding product feature b)     Site visit: evaluate the customer recommended location where generator would be placed c)     Load calculation d)    Site suggestion: Inform customer regarding installation process; provide product recommendation based on site etc. e)     Estimated price rates 1. Offer submission (based on customer requirement) Technical Product list Financial offer Other parties involve with offer submission. (They evaluate the offer) a)     Financial institution/ Bank b)     Consultant c)     Construction contactor 1. Follow up (before sale) a)     Over phone b)     Direct visit 1. Final Negotiation meeting Price Product 1. If accepted by the customer then work order is issued      schedule date for installation material estimate or list of material material arrangement relevant document Price and mode of payment 1. payment (as per work order) 2. re-installation inspection (sale people and installation and service supervisor * customer name and address * package number * capacity * installation place * material list * delivery date 1. delivery/dispatch (store officer 2. installation 3. follow up ( after sales) by the sales people 4. bill collection (accounts and sales people) * description of equipment * mo del * commissioning date * amount of bill claimed by the RESL 1. A. Corporate: Definition: corporate customers are those customers who buy a bulk amount of products from RESL. It can be Bank, factory, hospital, real estate or industry. Sales process is same 1 to 11 Installation Sources/sales leads are different. B. Individual: Definition: individual customers are those customers who buy one or two products from RESL. It can be Bank, factory, hospital, real estate or industry. Sales process is same 1 to 11 (except work order) 100% payment before delivery sources/sales leads are different 1. B. Referral : Colleague from RDL, RBL and etc Sales lead given by commission agent Sales man of RESL has contact with other company’s sales man      Refer customer to the RESL. Receive commission from RESL to 11 same processes. Except work order for individual but for corporate (need work order) 1. C. Third party/Contract proposal: Rail way , police buy from third party Third party buy from RESL (supplier of generator)      But all after sales services given by the RESL Sources of sales lead: From colleague like RDL,RBL sales person of other company existing customer Direct call from cus tomer( new or existing customer) Sales lead given by commission agent From bill board Newspaper Related generator company/ similar trend business Consultant Road site Field representative Direct sale Customer direct come to RESL Project| Corporate| Individual| Third party/contract proposal | Referral|       From Existing customerDirect sale |       Direct saleFrom bill boardNewspaper |       From bill boardNewspaperDirect saleField representativeRoad siteRelated generator company/ similar trend business|       From bill boardNewspaper|       From colleague like RDL,RBLsales person of other companySales lead given by commission agentConsultant| Figure #1 3. 11 After sales service: 1. Installation (project and individual/corporate) 2. Service (individual) . I. Emergency service 2. II. Schedule service 3. Service (project) 1. Installation( individual/corporate) a)     Site visit b)     Pre-installation inspection (sale people and installation -service supervisor)      customer name and address package number capacity install ation place material list delivery date c)     Material arranged Material bought by the customer (cable) or RESL provide it. d)    Based on that date follow up and confirm that today you have installation date. e)     Which engineer will go for installation (his name, place and date)? This record is in excel sheet f)      Commissioning sheet * Site code * customer name * Package no * Supplier address * Technical terms * Other relevant information * Comments from customer * signed by RESL service engineer and customer 2. Service ( individual ) 1. I. Emergency service (warranty period 1year or running hour1500h) a)     Hot line b)     Call from customer c)     Whether this product is within warrant or not d)    Commissioning sheet cheeked by service coordinator      customer name Package no Supplier address Technical terms Other relevant information Comments from customer igned by RESL service engineer and customer e)     If it is within warranty then free service and prompt( excluding Lub oil filter, air filter, fuel filter and culent filter parts) f)      send engineer to the sight g)     Service sheet sign by engineer and customer with the bill copy, feed back sheet and other material h)     Follow up only for individual (everyday at least 10 calls from excel sheet randomly) i)       Documentation how many times complains come from client. j)       Problems sheet send to Service complain par dayâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ6 to 10 k)     She only send critical problem to the COO Emergency service for an examplehospital1) normal problem normal engineer                                                                       2) critical problem critical engineer 1. II. Schedule service a)     Hot line b)     Tell Detail information about product( KVA and price rate) c) Offer give by service coordinator of RESL[this is basically gave idea about relevant parts for generator]      Description of material Quantity Price Signature by service engineer d)    If accepted then schedule date e)     Bill collection f)      AMC service[Dhaka and out  side Dhaka city] Critical A â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œone serviceâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œprice range different *  Non Critical â €â€-one serviceâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œprice range different * Super Critical â€â€one serviceâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œprice range different * Working hour * Payment date * Exclusion * Other applicable terms * Starting date g)     Inform about Servicing after 50h/200h/ or 6month which ever come first ( excluding Lub oil filter, air filter, fuel filter and culent filter parts) h)     Engineer send to the customer with the bill copy, feed back sheet and other material i)       Payment( partially or full) j)       Follow up monthly wise )     All Problems sheet send to (senior officer- customer relation l)       Service complain par dayâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ10 to 15 m)   She only send critical problem to the COO C. Service (project): Projects are those customers who bought a bulk amount of product. For an example GP boughtâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€560+ diesel generators. 5 people ar e working as a service coordinator to maintain the service for project. Different people are handling different type project. So, their working style is also different. They have 5projects (GP, Bangla link, Eric son, AKTEL and Motorola. Processes are same but record keeping/documentation is different. Installation (projects): service coordinator Estimated( everything including product, parts and etc) given by the project * customer name * Package no * Supplier address * Technical terms * Other relevant information * Comments from customer * signed by RESL service engineer and customer RESL take all estimated material( material list) for installation to the site If any extra parts or material need then RESL claim extra bill for that Commissioning paper and engineer sign that paper Problems: Service engineers are not identifying the specific problem. Every time new service engineer was coming and telling customer about new problem. Different service engineers are sending for same problem. customer become dissatisfied and for this reason sell will be decline in future Stock out problem Not delivery at proper time Not inform problem to the original sales people by Proper service Place Manpower Branding Promotion Promotion (integrated Marketing communication): RESL was doing Same Promotion for all products. For an example: diesel generator, GE lighting and power rental. Above the line Through the line Below the line Above the line  | Bill board | Press add| Add Design for bill board | Process of press advertising: Design developed by RESL with agency Rate (fixed)[on behalf of RESL negotiation with news paper by Agency] a)     Which paper b)     Page number c)     What size d)    Color Quotation send by add agency Work order send by RESL Payment Chapter four Branding 4. 1 Brand: A name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. Brand elements, sometimes called brand identities, are those trademark able devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand. The main brand elements are brand names, logos, symbols, characters, slogans, jingles, and packages. Brand element choice criteria: 1. MEMORABLE Easily recognized: it is easy to recognize because this is already a establish brand (general electric) Easily recalled: easy to recall also 2. MEANINGFUL Fun and interesting Rich visual and verbal imagery 3. PROTECTABLE Legally Competitively 4. ADAPTABLE Flexible Updatable 5. TRANSFERABLE Within and across product categories Across geographical boundaries and cultures The quality parameter: ProductQuality| Generator| Performance| v| Feature| v| Conformance quality| v| Reliability| v| Durability| v| Serviceability| v| Style and design| v| 4. 2 Steps of brand building TARGET MARKET| OTHER VARIABLES| VALUE INNOVATION| VALUE PRICING| VALUE DELIVERY | VALUE PROPOSITION | Brand Elements| STEPS IN BUILDING BRAND| Product Engineering| Creating Differentiation| Five Dimensional Branding| Win – WinSituation| Cost-EffectiveDistribution| Position the brand in the mind of the prospect| Create awareness/ identity of name/ symbol/personality | Position the brand to differentiate from others | Create brand image| Create trust in the minds of customers, prospects and other stakeholders by maintaining consistency and DEL | BRAND EQUITY| Build awareness to the mind of the prospect. a)     Branded vehicle b)     All Transportation of GE will covered by the GE stickers c)     Sales man will build awareness to the dealer d)    Tell detail about the brand like GE e)     Provide GE T-shirt to all sal es people 4. 3  Experience wheel of Rahimafrooz Chapter Five Supply chain                  management 5. 1 Function of Physical distribution: Inventory control a)     How much to order? b)     When to order? Warehouse(private) a)     Tejgaon b)     Begun bari c)     Mirpur Material handling )     Maintain the quality of storage b)     Moving right goods at the right time to make them available to the right customer. Transportation a)     Own b)     Private Channel structure: Indirect| Intermediary (RESL)| Manufacturer| End user| Level of intensities: Distribution from single outlet (RESL)| Exclusive| Ware house entry process: 1. Normal entry 2. Warranty entry A) Normal entry [which come from direct principle] Entry new products L/C number About product part number and serial number In put to the excel sheet Kept in store Delivery B) Warranty entry Entry Defective products Match with the product part number and serial number Input to the excel sheet For Defective products kept in store[ for physical evidence] Delivery Current process (re-placement flow): 5. 2 Target market : The target market is group of customer to whom the company aims its marketing effort. The target market of the RBL is automobile users and industries telecommunication, power station, railway system, electric vehicle, forklift, ship buoy lighting and solar power system and household for IPS and UPS battery. targeting board groups of buyers within a specific product/market, such as automobiles. Consider for example, the global market for automobiles. In 2003 the sales of the Chevrolet Impala model where 1. 5 million units, In 2005 the sale corolla best selling model has sales of about 300,000 unit . considering automobile market RBL segmented their markets and develop product like locus. The fragmentation of needs and want in market is creating subgroups of buyers of buyers within the total market, each displaying different customer satisfaction requirements. such  differention provides  and  opportunity for business to design product offerings to meet the needs of customer indifferent market segment. Targeting all people  and also organization in a market is not a typical strategy for RBL. instead, many target one or more segment within the total market. Deciding what people to target is a critically important strategic decision. Customer focus Rbl are focusing on customer. getting to close to customer Rahimafrooz associates   directly  with distribution, retailers and also buyers to know what drives customer satisfaction, identify customer needs, and use those needs to target market where the business can achieve a sustainable and significant competitive advantage in this field. RBL understand customer preferences and  requirement and offerings superior value RBL developed a centralized customer feedback and query sell total commitment to customer satisfaction â€Å"is one is of their values. listening to what customer say in continual systematic way is a key tool to comprehend their needs and requirement and to satisfy them a achievement excellence in their product and service accordingly. All individuals of Rahimafrooz Group interact with customers and members of the public everyday and do hear, eceive, or learn about their comments, complaints, views, etc on the products, services, and dealings of the company A systematic and organized way of managing these feedbacks and queries will surely strengthen their total commitment to customer satisfaction. Strategic Policies Innovative: RBL always  find creative means to achieve their desired results, while building on the experiences of others. Leaders : RBL aggressively in the forefront of economi c development for their target markets; others will use their success to measure own. Renewals and Growth: RBL focus our efforts and incorporate values into actions that contribute to a positive, effective and sustainable economic transformation in the Region. Enterprising People: RBL find, embrace and support the efforts of customers, suppliers and employees who are motivated to undertake new or risky paths that result in personal and company growth. Enterprising Businesses: RBL attract and engage companies willing to change and take risk to achieve sustainable growth, thereby providing increased employment and wealth to the Region. The Region: RBL will serve the broad geographic area rather than Bangladesh. Strategies Build a support system that will enable the successful execution of resources to innovate superior products. Develop production process based on the strategic plan implementation requirements Develop cross-functional team to support implementation of the strategic plan. Develop a performance measures tool Develop a process for continual feedback on progress from the market and periodic assessment and revision of their marketing strategy and plans. 5. 3 How RBL Become Market Leader 1. ive the values Integrity Honest, fair and impartial to all. – e. g. delivering on promises to external and internal customers. Excellence Self discipline, personal responsibility, overall commitment e. g. (a) Taking personal responsibility for delivering the results as planned. e. g. (b)  Finding and implementing new or improved solution. Total Customer satisfaction This applies to both internal and external customers, and must fully satisfy both. This means those understanding their expectations, and matching to our resources/capabilities. Taking new initiatives Finding and implementing new ways of solving or improving issues 2. RESULT ORIENTED Achieving   targets, taking corrective action, giving feedback. 3. TEAM BUILDER Empathic, Compassionate . e. g. (a) Receptive to ideas, complaints, feedback of others and adding positive suggestions (b) Actively coaching team members for their development. 4. RECEPTIVE TO CHANGE E. g. deriving maximum   benefit from  the new style of supportive training programs rather than the previous directive style of training. 5. VISIONARY Recognizing the qualities skills required to aspire to the company’s vision e. . Constantly benchmarking themselves to fulfill aspirations. 6. ENTREPRENEURIAL Proactive, risk-taking, Self-starter, innovative, confident e. g. Constantly strive to improve knowledge of company. 5. 4 SWOT ANALYSIS OF RBL According to the study if the organization strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis of Rahimafrooz Ban gladesh Ltd is described bellow; Strengths: Excellent cycling ability high reliability and exceptionally long life Large electrolyte reservoir high tolerance to water loss and minimal maintenance High charging efficiency Low self discharge, dry pre-charged plates High rate of discharge performance High resistance to adverse mechanical and electrical condition Weaknesses: Expensive than other competitors’ brand Low self discharge Opportunities: Evolution into a â€Å"Plug-in Hybrid†with higher capacity batteries and a drive train designed to operate for extended periods in electric-only mode. spread into other market sectors Increasing awareness of environmental issues likely to keep demand high. licensing of technology to other manufacturers Threats Increasing Global Competition Low price batteries offered by China Increasing raw materials price Chapter Six Findings Product Basis Market Share: Rahimafrooz Battery Ltd 27 Feb 2011 †¦ Bangladesh now has a battery market of 0. 6 million units worth Tk 5. 0 billion a year and Rahimafrooz has 75 per cent market share. Rahimafrooz’s  Globatt hits Local Market â€Å"We exported 0. 6 million batteries in the last two years with   Globatt   having 60 per cent share of the total units. Mr. Moin said at present there is a demand of 400 million batteries worldwide while Rahimafrooz exports 0. 5 million units a year. Business Domains This section describes Rahimafrooz Group’s businesses according to the four broad segments that its companies operate in. Storage Power: Rahimafrooz Group is the largest manufacturer and exporter of automotive and industrial batteries in Bangladesh and has the largest battery export plant in South Asia. Automotive and Electronics: Rahimafrooz Group markets and distributes various automotive after-market products such as automotive batteries, tyres and lubricant as well as electronics ranging from home appliances, power backup systems, lighting products, and electrical accessories. The Group is also one of the leading complete CNG solution providers in the country. Energy: Rahimafrooz Group has a significant presence in the energy sector of Bangladesh and offers a wide range of renewable and conventional energy solutions. Retail: Rahimafrooz Group introduced the first retail chain of superstores in Bangladesh and has played a major role in redefining everyday shopping. After gathering information I can draw the following findings: As it is found that average 75% of market share is obtained by RBL. Most of the dealers claim that they receive their order, but it is not in ordering period. Cent percent dealers’ claims that they are dissatisfied with the products of RBL. The Rahimafrooz Group has more than 10 exclusive outlets. Bangladesh’s largest manufacturer†¦distributor of automotive and industrial batteries. Bangladesh-based Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd (RBL) expects India operations to contribute 10 per cent to the company’s global revenues by 2013. Rahimafrooz IPS UPS are best in country. RBL is the first producer of industrial battery. It is a leading name in the diesel generator industry having a customer base of nearly 900. RREL is also the pioneer in providing solar-hybrid solutions for Telecom Operators’ BTS towers and solar powered irrigation systems in Bangladesh. Skilled and well-trained team to ensure quality workmanship Excellent after sales service. Rahimafrooz CNG Ltd. (RACNG) is one of the leading complete CNG solution providers in the country Chapter Seven Recommendation Service engineers are not identifying the specific problem. Every time new service engineer was coming and telling customer about new problem. Different service engineers are sending for same problem. customer become dissatisfied and for this reason sell will be declined in future Stock out problem Not delivery at proper time Not inform problem to the original sales people by Proper service Place Manpower Branding Promotion If company solves these problems then it will grow faster. Conclusion No business stays at the top if it doesn’t maintain its performance. Thus it is very important to fulfill the demand of the consumers through competitive advantage. This study has gone through different stages to identify the relations of marketing tools that can affect significantly the market share of Rahimafrooz’s product. Going through, Rahimafrooz’s product also identifies different activities of the competitors because there are also players who have special interest are their market share in the same market. Timeliness of the data is very important. I want to mention that here I learned how to work in professional environment with challenges in the real development world, how to improve coding and design techniques and how to cope with different working Throughout the whole development process. I got the chance to implement my theoretical knowledge of marketing that I learnt over last 4 years from my respected faculty members of ASA University of Bangladesh. Not only that, through report writing I got to know how to compose professional and formal reports for any project or research works. I have taken total marketing strategy of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited. Through this I have tried to give an actual scenario of Marketing Strategy. How to cite Report on Marketing Strategy of Rahimafrooz Bangladesh Limited, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Why Physician
Table of Contents Introduction Why Physician-Assisted Death is Wrong Conclusion Reference List Introduction The ongoing debate about physician-assisted death continues to elicit varied reactions globally, with proponents arguing that individuals have an overwhelming basic right to die at a time of their choosing, and in a mode of their own choosing, when confronted with a terminal illness while euthanasia opponents argue that there exist no moral justification for terminating life before God’s opportune time (Smith, 2006).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why Physician-Assisted Death on the Terminally Ill lacks Justification specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Euthanasia, the act of ending life, can be voluntary or involuntary, passive or active, but proponents and opponents have largely progressed arguments and counterarguments based on the holistic approach of the term and the resulting effects on the st ate of the victim, medical professionals, and family members. But while voluntary euthanasia – that is the occasioning a person’s death with his or her consent – continues to draw varying levels of acceptance depending on the reasons advanced for undertaking such an act, involuntary euthanasia is almost treated as murder even when the act of ending life prematurely produces a greater good to the individual or family members. This paper purposes to argue against the view that physicians should be allowed to assist the terminally ill die instead of allowing them to suffer the full consequences of a terminal illness. Why Physician-Assisted Death is Wrong Proponents of physician-assisted death argue that the act of ending life should be enshrined as a private matter of self-determination and personal beliefs in as much as it is done to curtail the suffering of an individual from a terminal illness (Smith, 2006). It is indeed true that many terminal illnesses, includ ing cancer, HIV/AIDS, and Parkinson’s disease, considerably diminish the quality of life of victims to a point of rendering them vegetative. As such, it may seem plausible to end the suffering when the victim is personally-determined to do so and on the sad admittance that no cure will be forthcoming (Karlsson et al., 2007). However, mercy-killing cannot be a private matter of self-determination and personal beliefs since it is an act that requires the input of a medical professional to make it possible and a complicit society to make it acceptable. In some instances, the victim is so vegetative that it becomes impractical to make sound decisions on his own, causing family members to intervene and order the termination of life. In such circumstances, euthanasia cannot be termed as a private matter of self-determination and personal beliefs.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Medicine and law are the fundamental institutions charged with the responsibility of maintaining the dignity and respect for human life in a contemporary pluralistic society (Karlsson et al., 2007). Of course there exist various medical conditions that threaten the quality and dignity for human life, but medicine and physician expertise should be geared towards improving the quality of life rather than making death a purely technical issue in addition to stripping it of all its humanity and value. According to Karlsson et al (2007), â€Å"†¦euthanasia is morally wrong according to religious beliefs, medical ethics, the sanctity of life or the intrinsic value of nature and its purposefulness†(p. 616). When and if a person is dying from a terminal illness is not in the hands of medical practitioners to decide since life is God-given. In consequence, medicine, law, and physician expertise should be used to improve the dignity and respect for human life rather than being used to control the time, place, and manner of our death so as to make it as cheap, stress-free, and efficient as possible (Smith, 2006). When physician-assisted death is permitted, â€Å"†¦there is a potential for abuse and development of a gradual change in indication for euthanasia†(Karlsson et al., 2007, p. 617). The potential for abuse and the gradual shift in expectations, norms, and attitudes held by society towards the terminally ill may propel a situation whereby euthanasia is viewed as a cheap remedy to the suffering of individuals and family members. The credibility of physicians and healthcare facilities will automatically suffer when victims are allowed to end their lives assisted by medical professionals. Morally, it can never be a medical professional’s responsibility to cause deaths in humans no matter the situation due to the sanctity of life. The scenario will attract grave moral ramifications when societal norms and values are oriented towards viewing death as a largely technical issue, not mentioning that there exist no standard to evaluate who should live and who should die (Deigh, 1998). As such, the task for physicians should be limited to offering solutions through which the terminally-ill can be assisted to live a quality life rather than being facilitated to die for the reason that they are in severe suffering. The risk of feelings of guilt and strain among those charged with making the decision for applying euthanasia is yet another factor why physician-assisted killing should not be supported.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why Physician-Assisted Death on the Terminally Ill lacks Justification specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The doctors, staff members and family members may display guilt feelings arising from the fact that they were liable for causing the death of a terminally-ill patient even though the patient could have eventually died f rom the disease. There is also the risk of making wrong decisions regarding a patient’s chances of survival since cases have been reported of patients who ‘miraculously’ survives the terminal illnesses. Euthanasia is a terminal solution that cannot be reversed at all costs, hence feelings of guilt and strain may be overbearing when it is later revealed that such an individual had a chance of surviving (Deigh, 1998). For family members, the decision to go for euthanasia places an unreasonable burden on the one making the decision especially if the victim progressed into a vegetative state without making the decision on his or her own volition. Many opponents of euthanasia take cognizance of the fact that the victim may not necessarily express a true wish to die (Karlsson et al., 2007). A terminally-ill person’s wish to die might be influenced by a myriad of other factors rather than the intensity of the suffering and an honest desire to end the suffering. F or example, society’s norms and values, family members’ attitudes or financial constraints may adversely influence a terminally ill patient to yearn for voluntary euthanasia. Such a plea might not, on a deeper psychological level, be a wish to end the suffering by death, but a cry for assistance and attention. Additionally, a terminally ill person, in his right sense of mind, may not be in a position to genuinely express his desire to end life without interference from the doctor’s presumed advice and the attitudes of family members (Smith, 2006). As such, it is not only wrong to conduct euthanasia on the premise that the victim is necessarily expressing his true wish to due, but it is improper to commence mercy-killing based on superfluous factors that have little regard to the sanctity of life. Many victims ask for euthanasia after they realize that the disease has become an overbearing burden to family members, healthcare system and the society. Such a factor is first and foremost catapulted by a wish of not being a hindrance, rather than a justifiable wish to end life. In consequence, it becomes difficult for physicians to evaluate patients for euthanasia based on such extraneous factors, hence the immediate need to do away with euthanasia. The task for physicians should be to alleviate or treat the symptoms that causes the terminally ill to feel depressed and burdensome so as to assist them live on and die a ‘natural’ death (Karlsson et al., 2007). In line with the above argument, it should not be a task for physicians and the healthcare system to assist the terminally ill die. Doctors and other medical professionals are put in a rather awkward situation when they start making decisions on ending other people’s lives, and when such decisions are not backed by any medical standards and ethics (Karlsson et al., 2007).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the authors, â€Å"†¦if you would want to kill someone because of that person’s suffering, you do not need to be medically trained, so there is no reason to give this task to the healthcare system†(p. 617). The argument reinforces the fact that it should not be the function of medical professionals and health facilities to decide on administering euthanasia since the act goes against the basic tenet of the medical profession – that of saving lives. As such, associating the medical profession with any act of killing only serves to erode the good public image and professionalism largely bestowed on the practice. It is true that many terminal illnesses cause feelings of hopelessness and prolonged degradation of quality of life, but to kill an individual merely because he has lost meaning in life or his medical condition has rendered him hopeless is synonymous to admitting the hopelessness of physicians in offering hope to the incurably sick (Deig h, 1998). In consequence, physicians need to focus their energies on assisting the terminally ill to lead a better life rather than contemplating on how to assist them die. The terminally ill patient should be assisted to wait for death to come naturally. Some proponents of physician-assisted death have used the utilitarian approach to root for legalization of euthanasia. This view is based on the fact that euthanasia should be administered if it leads to the greatest good for all concerned (Deigh, 1998). However, there exist serious flaws in the argument, particularly due to the fact that the ‘greatest good’ is often evaluated in terms of material benefits while the sanctity and gift of life cannot be expressed in similar terms. A terminally ill patient may be evaluated on the financial costs caused to the family, pain and suffering, and the scope and nature of the ailment, but these factors do not form the basis for calculating the net value of life since life is God- given. In equal measure, individuals cannot sit back and evaluate the total good of destroying a life since life cannot be replaced once it has been taken. Several religious doctrines also teaches us that there is no greater good in life than the right to life, thus there is no justification whatsoever for its premature termination (Smith, 2006). To terminate life prematurely is to play God and the victim of a terminal illness cannot attain any greater good when life has already been taken. Consequently, utilitarianism cannot be used to justify the act of involuntarily or voluntarily ending life to reduce suffering. It is a futile exercise for physicians to adopt the utilitarian argument that assisting the terminally ill to die has better consequences than assisting them to lead more palatable lifestyles for the rest of their remaining days. Conclusion From the discussion, it is evidently clear that the adverse social, moral, and medical ramifications of legalizing physician-assiste d death far outweigh the benefits (Deigh, 1998). There is no greater benefit that an individual can get in this world than the right to life, thus the debate that physicians should be allowed to assist the terminally ill patients die fails to hold any water when ethical, religious, and the medical practice standards are considered. Instead of playing God and deciding on when and how to end the lives of the terminally ill, physicians must direct their efforts towards ameliorating the various risk factors that drives patients to yearn for death. The fact that many patients do not have a true desire to die when they request for euthanasia have been well demonstrated. The risks of feeling guilty and strained in the face of conducting mercy killings for the terminally ill may choke careers, not mentioning that the act of euthanasia puts the medical practice in a credibility test. It is God who gives life and it is only God who has the right to take it away. The dangers of abuse are just too many, and allowing the practice may set a bad precedent for society members and individuals suffering from terminal ailments (Karlsson et al., 2007). In such circumstances, physician-assisted killing should be discouraged at all costs. Reference List Deigh, J. (1998). Physician-assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia: Some relevant differences. Journal of Criminal Law Criminology, 88(3), 1155-1165. Retrieved from MasterFILE Premier Database Karlsson, M., Strang, P., Milberg, A. (2007). Attitudes toward euthanasia among Swedish medical students. Palliative Medicine, 21(7), 615-622. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Database. Smith, A.M. (2006). Euthanasia: A license to kill? New York, NY: Kingsway Publications This essay on Why Physician-Assisted Death on the Terminally Ill lacks Justification was written and submitted by user J0anna to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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